The three C’s: Cool, Casual, Comfortable

Style, fashion, Paris, Comfortable, Casual
Stay cool, casual, comfortable and stylish with this year-round look

Let’s be honest, the summer can be hot and winter can be cold, but how many looks can make that transition? Here’s one of my favorite looks seen street-side at the Haute Couture shows in Europe. Not only is this look classic, it is also something that can be worn all around the world in every season.

As a child, there was nothing worse than my mother tucking in my shirt or being required to during a soccer game, but as I grew older, I learned the importance and magic of tucking in. Now I’m in love. It makes a person look slimmer, look more “put together” without trying, and in my opinion it makes a look go from work to play seamlessly.

This look above is very summer and very très chic. A thin shirt keeps you cool, the jeans keep you classy, and the belt separates the varying hues of blue. With a small classic bag, like above, look stylish for a lifetime. If you have long hair, take this look to work with your hair in a bun, and after work, let your hair down to soft waves and no worries!

Tip: In summer, look for linen shirts. They keep you cool and can be warmed up in winter by wearing a sweater over them. 

Tip: Keep this look simple, including makeup. Try some light eyeliner and mascara with a light lipstick, but focus on your skin–moisturize and make it glow.

What do you think of this look? Is it for you? Subscribe to today for free to see if this this style pops up for the price you want!

Image source: Tommy Ton