Food: Clean eating

salmon, Le Pain Quotidien, Smoked salmon tartines, food, clean eating, healthy food, advocate, radishes, lemons, cucumbers, summer, fall, fresh

I love to eat, plain and simple. Before moving to college, I was super picky, but I have since lost that, and have tried many, many foods that I’ve found to be amazing. There’s one meal, however, that I could eat all day every day and never get sick of–smoked salmon tartines and tart lemonade from Le Pain Quotidien. Super fresh, super scrumptious, super healthy, simply awesome.

This dish relatively super healthy because it includes good fats from avocado, omega-3 from the smoked salmon, grains from the soft, daily baked bread, freshness from the raw cucumbers and radishes, vitamin C from the lemon, and there has to be something great about dill and scallions, other than their taste. Not only is the dish healthy, fresh, and clean, it is SO delicious, very quick, and always puts a smile on your face. Plus, you don’t feel like you need to go to the gym after.

The second part to one of my favorite meals is Le Pain Quotidien’s lemonade. It’s fresh squeezed, and if you immediately start drinking it, prepare to pucker your lips–it is very tart, but that’s okay, it’s made with REAL lemons. One way to combat this is to mix in your own amount of agave syrup, a natural sweetener, that is at every table. The agave syrup is to the lemonade like ketchup is to fries.

Most of all, the drink and dish are simple, made of simple, fresh ingredients and that, in a world of fast food and fried everything, is a great, welcoming change.

Luckily for you, Le Pain Quotidien restaurants seem to be in a lot of cities these days, so you can go and try them for yourselves! Have you ever been to a Le Pain Quotidien? Also love smoked salmon dishes? Just wanna comment? Go ahead!

**Disclaimer: This is my own, personal take on Le Pain Quotidien. There is no compensation, and I only wrote this because I had a great meal with great service**

Photo source: my phone!

Tote love: The good, the bad, and the bag

Celine, white, blue, summer, milan, 2015, fashion, style, street style
Take advantage of the tote

Let me preface this by stating that this picture is stunning. Casual, dressy, so well put together, effortless, timeless, oh my god–gorgeous. Captured on the streets of Milan, the white outfit is a great contrast to the warm colors of the buildings, and the bright blue tote is a great contrast to the blank white canvas of the outfit.

Ok, we love the look, the versatility of it to take it from day to night and the fact that it looks so comfortable to wear. But. Let’s talk about the tote. There are several things to love and several things to regret. Let’s go with the bad first. Most leather totes are heavy to begin with, without every lipstick, wallet, hand sanitizer and tissues known to man. They can be awkward–do I carry them with my arm, over my shoulder, across my body, or do I simply grip the handles?

The good? They hold everything–laptops, shoes, desserts, you name it, totes can carry it. The flexibility–you can carry it, put it on your shoulder, carry it in the crook of your arm, etc. The security–most have little zippered pockets to keep things extra safe. Some are waterproof, and hey, they can be heavy, so does that mean we can skip lifting weights at the gym?

Aside from this being a great Céline luggage tote, in a great blue for all seasons (I’m biased), totes have great versatility and a great opportunity to be the bag for most all occasions. Stay tuned for a run-down on mini bags, the good, the bad, and the bag.

Love this style? Love this look? Subscribe to and see if your favorite looks and styles pop up at prices you determine! Have any more goods or bads about totes, or opinions? Comment below and follow!

Source: Harper’s Bazaar

Black: Always chic, how about sheer?

Black, fashion, vogue, tommy ton, paris, france, style
When in doubt, black is always a great color

Black is always a great color, we know that. It’s slimming, it’s classic, it’s always in style and even an all black outfit rarely produces a fashion faux pas. This all black outfit is certainly always in style. I think of it as a look that says, “chase me, boys.” It looks effortless, just out of bed, polished, and reveals just enough skin to make a statement and grab attention.

Recently I have been into French fashion, and this is another example. I love how Parisiennes are able to take simple clothes, such as this black sheer top, classic black bra and black skirt and create a stunning look. Where this look becomes amazing is in the fabrics and in the accessories.

Tip: Keep accessories chic, but not super bright (such as neon) so as to not distract from the classic black. 

Go retro with tortoise shell sunglasses and add a pop of color with a carried purse or clutch. A look such as this is enhanced by the details. The sheer top and opaque black bra bring a hint of risqué, but still leave a blank canvas.

Tip: Sheer items help you stay cool in the summer. If black is too harsh, try a sheer navy!

This look is incredibly universal. It can be made to look fashionable in any decade and in nearly any place! See if this look, or more of your favorite looks pop up for the prices you determine at! Subscribe today and look fashionable without breaking the bank!

Source: Tommy Ton

Color: Bring the Mediterranean home

Cannes, street style, NYMag, Dior, Red
A classic red never goes out of style

Think about it, when is red not in style? In the summer, it’s a bright pop of color. In the fall, the shade of red may darken a bit, but some leaves will turn bright red. In the winter? Holiday time! In the spring? Channel your inner Dutch and find some red tulips to match.

I love versatility and the ability to make an outfit fashionable throughout the year and throughout time. In this picture, taken in Cannes (I know, I’ve got France on the mind thanks to haute couture shows and the lovely South of France), the stark contrast between the hues of blue from the water to the towels and the bright red of the dress is simply stunning. As with the French theme, the hat is a necessity–if only to protect your face and prevent premature aging.

So what makes this look work wonders? The length of the dress falls right at mid-calf level and is appropriate for most every occasion. It’s classic, and rarely would someone suffer a fashion faux-pas with this length. Low heels keep this look simple, comfortable and effortless. Interested in even more comfort? Try a pair of flats or sandals with the look.

Tip: Invest, invest, invest! Invest in the classics, like a bag similar to the one pictured, or a dress that can be worn to every occasion at every time of year. 

Love this look? Take a look at and subscribe to see if your favorite looks can be yours at the prices you want!

Source: NYMag

The three C’s: Cool, Casual, Comfortable

Style, fashion, Paris, Comfortable, Casual
Stay cool, casual, comfortable and stylish with this year-round look

Let’s be honest, the summer can be hot and winter can be cold, but how many looks can make that transition? Here’s one of my favorite looks seen street-side at the Haute Couture shows in Europe. Not only is this look classic, it is also something that can be worn all around the world in every season.

As a child, there was nothing worse than my mother tucking in my shirt or being required to during a soccer game, but as I grew older, I learned the importance and magic of tucking in. Now I’m in love. It makes a person look slimmer, look more “put together” without trying, and in my opinion it makes a look go from work to play seamlessly.

This look above is very summer and very très chic. A thin shirt keeps you cool, the jeans keep you classy, and the belt separates the varying hues of blue. With a small classic bag, like above, look stylish for a lifetime. If you have long hair, take this look to work with your hair in a bun, and after work, let your hair down to soft waves and no worries!

Tip: In summer, look for linen shirts. They keep you cool and can be warmed up in winter by wearing a sweater over them. 

Tip: Keep this look simple, including makeup. Try some light eyeliner and mascara with a light lipstick, but focus on your skin–moisturize and make it glow.

What do you think of this look? Is it for you? Subscribe to today for free to see if this this style pops up for the price you want!

Image source: Tommy Ton